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Welcome to the Lionville Elementary Home & School Association!

Lionville Elementary parents are encouraged to create a free Membership Toolkit account in order to receive all HSA communications and have access to our family directory, volunteer signups and online store. Visit to create your account today. 

Who are we?

The Lionville Elementary Home & School Association (LEHSA) is the parent/teacher organization for our school. All parents/guardians of children in our school are invited and encouraged to participate in the Association.

Why should I become involved?

The LEHSA provides an opportunity for you, the parent, to hear what’s going on at school; voice any comments, issues and concerns; and participate in one of the many committees that support our school. Your level of involvement is up to you. Please consider getting involved!  It makes such a difference to have an active HSA—for the children as well as the school.  The more involvement we have, the more we can accomplish!

What does the LEHSA do?

Our Mission Statement: The objective of the Association shall be to promote the welfare of the children in Lionville Elementary School by bringing into closer relation the home and school. By providing an open forum, the parents and teachers may enhance communication and cooperation in the training of the children and securing for every child the greatest possible advantage in overall education. The purpose of the Association is to provide opportunities for parents and guardians of the School’s students to get actively involved with and support the School; to provide support to the School and its programs beyond what is available through special programs and projects.

When does the LEHSA meet?

Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every other month during the school year at 6:30 pm.  We welcome you to attend our meetings to become involved and stay informed.

For the most current information, please go to our LES Membership Toolkit page.

How can I become involved? All parents are encouraged to attend the HSA meetings. You'll learn more about the HSA, our events and where you can help. There are volunteer opportunities for everyone! Login to your Membership Toolkit account to view signups for current and future volunteer opportunities.